Factory farm expansion continues this year
Is a factory farm being proposed near you?
Concerned about your air, water, and quality of life?
We can help.
Call Iowa CCI at 515.282.0484 or email iowacci@iowacci.org
Iowa CCI members in 11 different counties are currently fighting local factory farm constructionIowa Citizens for Community Improvement (Iowa CCI) members across the state are active in local fights to stop fourteen new factory farms from being built in 11 different counties, and every sign points to another busy year for Iowa factory farm fighters as the corporate ag industry continues to expand.Stopping factory farm construction at the source is one of the most effective ways to keep toxic manure out of water. It also helps broaden our base by bringing new people into the fight, which ultimately means more power to talk, act, and get things done.Iowa CCI members have nearly 40 years experience organizing communities to effectively fight back against corporate power and win. Last year, CCI members led campaigns in 30 counties and stopped 14 factory farms from being built. We've stopped more than one hundred factory farms since 1986.