Standing with Standing Rock
Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate
Last Thursday, September 22, Iowans, Meskwaki, and Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate tribe members joined in solidarity to protect our water, land, and future generations from the Dakota Access Pipeline.When we stand together - we win!Sylvana Flute, a member of the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate (SWO), shared her thoughts on her experience with pipeline fighters in Iowa and invited all of us to join them at Standing Rock!
Message from Sylvana:Thank you SWO Tribal Secretary Office, Youth Department, Tamara, St. John, THPO staff, Jess Mazour, Matt Ohloff, April Richards Burch, Hazel Zimmerman for making the trip to Oceti Sakowi camp and Boone, Iowa back and forth possible!We, Allison Renville and I, met Jess Mazour and Matt Ohloff on top of Facebook Hill at Oceti Sakowi camp. We took them to the SWO camp to introduce them to our people. Then Allison and I handed out their fliers for them around Oceti Sakowi camp. Jess and Matt came from Iowa to answer Standing Rocks call as well! They love it in Standing Rock! The people, peacefulness, unity and prayer!When we met the people of Iowa we told them that we are one people as humans. In that way we are, all related in our plight against the pipelines as well as other pollutions! We are the voices for those who have none... water, air, wildlife, plants, earth, etc. We are the defenders of the helpless. We come in prayer and told them to ALWAYS be prayerful when together for Mni Wiconi. We of the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate band of Oceti Sakowi stand united in solidarity with all tribes, nations and people in the battles to prevent the death of our waters and lands via pollutions!Our group felt hope in a hopeless situation as DAPL was drilling 24/7 into the Des Moines River. The only concession the courts gave to the peoples of Iowa (farmers, landowners, city people, town people, youth, ect.) Was NO DRILLING DURING RAIN! The next morning Ina Maka showed us how disrespectful DAPL is. They continued to drill! We are Ina Maka's witnesses to her rape even during a time of supposed protection by Iowa Law. Ina Maka is helpless.We took part of a protection of a blockade of cars that temporarily stopped DAPL from drilling for 2-3 hours. They continued later on even through the rain on our journey home to SWO. We met 85 year old, Hazel Zimmerman whose picture, in handcuffs defending their waters in Iowa, was spread throughout social media. We told Iowa that in our culture our elders are cherished. It took an elder for us to notice their plight in Iowa. Just as the youth of Standing Rock the 7th generation whose thousands of miles run to Washington, DC to ask President Obama to stop the blacksnake/pipeline to protect the Missouri River from oil spills contaminating or killing their drinking waters.I felt so bad for those few Iowans standing strong in strength and fortitude against the black snake/DAPL/Bakken. These huge oil corporations especially DAPL are using Eminent Domain on Iowa's landowners such as they did to us the Oceti Sakowi when they disbanded us by sending us to reservations a couple hundred years ago. We have compassion for our fellow humans and that is a part of who we are. We gave the Iowans hope and uplifted their spirits knowing they are not alone.Donnielle Wanatee, Meskwaki Nation and Sac and Fox, welcomed us on our return home to Iowa, our (Dakota, Lakota, Nakota) ancestral lands! She greeted us as brother and sisters united as we used to be ancestral enemies. Donnielle also ran with the Sanding Rock youth to Washington, DC. She cried in gratitude when we hugged each other as we came to stand beside her to speak. We ended up sharing tears of unity and hope!We, the representatives of the SWO did not expect the beautiful welcome we received as we simply came to support Iowa.Our journey together against the black snake/DAPL/Bakken pipeline has only begun. We will come to stand the last great MNI WICONI battle in the near future with our Iowa relatives at the Mississippi River. The black snake will spill oil into the Mississippi River all along those states, lands, cities -- all life, using it as drinking waters! Oil is death to our waters. When that time comes there will be fighting and wars amongst our own peoples in this country for clean drinking water as the land and wildlife die. MNI WICONI! WATER IS LIFE! THOSE OF US WILL CONTINUE TO PROTECT LIFE FOR THE FUTURE GENERATIONS! WE STAND IN SOLIDARITY WITH OTHER WATER PROTECTORS! THE SISSETON WAHPETON OYATE STANDS STRONG WITH STANDING ROCK AND IOWA WATER PROTECTORS! Hecetu!
Sylvana Flute "I am helping protect our waters for my grandsons Nation and Kendricks. They are my heart and future! As well as doing this for all future generations, waters, plants, soil and wildlife!"
John Heminger "It's shameful that more Oceti Sakowi did not answer the call when the Iowans made it when they came to Standing Rock to support us. The war on the black snake covers different battlefield from South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois. We must respond to all the calls for help!"
Margaret Hopkins "I was scared of not knowing what to expect in a non native environment. I still answered the call. I was surprised and grateful at how well the Iowans treated us. Many of the Iowans came up to us crying. So grateful that the Sisseton Wahpeton answered their call. We gave them hope!"
Josh "Sammy" Lawrence "I went to Iowa, with a heart filled with prayer, knowing that my children and people were all with me."
Allison Renville "As someone who has been actively participating on social media throughout this ordeal, I came across a photo on Facebook of Hazel Zimmerman. An 85 yr old elderly woman who has herself been on the frontline of their battle in Iowa, we were impressed with her tenacity once we saw her being arrested by the Iowa state patrol. As we've been here in Standing Rock we have connected thru our plight against the Dakota Access Pipeline. We understand their way of life as farmers and a rural community is jeopardized just like ours is as we respect the land and water as our lifeline. We have shown our support to Standing Rock and when there was an invitation extended to come to Iowa I was so excited and proud to be an Oyate member when the SWO was represented as an ally along, with Hunkpapa people, standing in solidarity with the Bakken Resistance."